When we made The Winston Knolls Entry Door
We made the "blanks" for two more carvings.
They are cut out from a solid sheet of our making.
...... and ........ the hand carving is started
So, we decided to ask YOU what style of door you might wish.
I overlaid the carving on several different style doors for your choosing.
This carving will fit on a 36" or 40" wide door.
All of our doors will be custom made for you,
and if you have another design idea, just let me know.

Here is the carving for you to add to the door of your choice (below)

Click on Images to Enlarge



This is The Winston Knolls Entry Door
with a lazy Lizard on the branch
You can have it carved or .............

Here is Version 2 without a Lizard on the same style of door

Here is a Version 3 style door with carving

ALL Different Style of Doors



Here is a Version 4 style door with carving

Here is a Version 5 style door with carving

Here is a Version 6 style door with carving



Here is a Version 7 style door with carving

Here is a Version 8 style door with carving

Here is a Version 9 style door with carving

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